Early Ford V-8 Club of
California Regional Group 11

1934 Ford Flathead V-8 ENGINE
"As Henry Built it"
The above historically accurate Ford Flathead V8 Engine has been donated by us (SoCal EFV8 Club) to the Early Ford V8 Foundation Museum in Auburn, Indiana
(See Credits at the bottom of this page)
The basic design of the Ford Flathead Engine introduced in 1932 provided superior performance and reliability for the
majority of Ford cars and trucks for two decades.Steady improvements came each year (excluding the war years) as design refinements,
new materials and better gasoline and oil were developed. Literally millions of these engines powered all Ford V-8 Cars, Ford trucks and all Mercurys through 1953.
The genious of Henry Ford and his engineers made it possible to cast the entire V8 engine cylinder block in one piece and thus made it practical to offer in low cost and excellent performing cars and trucks. This had never been done before anywhere in mass production before 1932. The uniform high quality of every engine component is a testimony to the dedication and excellence of Ford engineering and manufacturing.
These engines are relatively easy to maintain and can be kept fully operational for years to come. There are plentiful parts and service support for these remarkable engines and the popular classic vehicles they power.
- Configuration: 90-degree V, 8 cylinder, one piece cast iron cylinder block, L-Head (side valve)
- Rated Output: 85 Horsepower @ 3800 rpm, Torque: 147 pound-feet @ 2000 rpm
- Displacement: 221 cubic inch, Bore: 3-1/16", Stroke: 3-3/4"
- Firing Order: 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2
- Crankshaft: Forged steel, 90-degree counterbalanced, 3 main bearings (poured babbit)
- Internal Oiling: Pressure oiling to crank, rods and valve train;50 PSI pump; copacity-5 qts.
- Valves: 16 in cylinder block, 1.537" diameter, non adjustable, hollow cast lifters, central cam
- Pistons: Aluminum; Rings-3 (2 compression, 1 oil), Connecting rods (forged steel w/inserts
- Cylinder Heads: Cast alluminum, Compression ratio: 6.3:1, Mounting studs: 21 per head
- Carburetor: Stromberg EE-1 model 48 Duplex, dualthroat downdraft, venturi diam. 1.03"
- Fuel Pump: Mechanical, single diaphragm, internal filter screen, driven by camshaft pushrod
- Air Cleaner: Copper mesh dry filter element (lightly oiled reusable filter)
- Ignition: Ford - Waterproof distributor housing, automatic advance/retard, high output coil
- Spark Plugs: Ford-Champion #7, 18mm, gap setting 0.025"
- Water Pumps: Two (One per cylinder bank), centrifugal type, 25 gal./minute@3000 rpm
- Generator: 3 brush, self regulating with cutout relay, 17 amps 6-8 volts positive ground
- Starter Motor: High torque, series wound configuration, automatc Bendix drive gear
- Rated fuel economy: 16-20 mpg (with std. 4.11 rear axle ratio and 5.50-17" tires
- Stock passenger car top speed: 75-80 miles per hour
- Engines produced for 1934 passenger cars: 513,063 for 13 models (excluding trucks)
- 1934 Ford V8 Cars - The only cars equipped with a powerful v8 engine for less than $700!
Concept, Engine Build, and Custom Fabrication by:
John Perrot
Research, Authentication & Detail by John Perrot and Rich Miller
Special Thanks to Project Contributors:
Matthew Ettinger, Roy Nacewicz, Bob Kennedy, John Perrot, Alan Mest, Dale Plueger, Rich Miller, Ed Whitney