Early Ford V-8 Club of America
Southern California Regional Group 11

2024 Club Roster and Gallery
The following is the current 2024 directory (as of July 1st 2024) of the Early Ford V-8 Club-Regional Group #11 members. To see a member's car click on the underlined, color-highlighted vehicle description after the member's name.
Allen, C.K. & Laurel, Costa Mesa, CA - Club Cars:'39 Ford Deluxe, '40 Mercury Fordor
Anthony, Larry, Los Angeles, CA - Club Car: '47 Ford Deluxe 2 Tudor
Aschieris, John & Nellanne, Santa Ana, Ca - Car: '48 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor Sedan plus 27 other Fords
Beller, Jordan & Corinne, Westmont, IL. - Cars: '32 Ford Deluxe Roadster, '32 Ford Phaeton,'32 Ford Open Cab Pickup, '32 Ford Pickup, '32 Ford Tudor, '32 Ford Canopy Express, '32 Ford Panel, '32 Ford Express, '32 Ford Stake, '32 Ford Dump, '32 Ford Bus (Wayne), '32 Ford Cab & Chassis, '33 Ford Dump, '34 Ford Fire Truck, '35 Ford Pickup, '36 Ford Coupe, '36 Ford Deluxe Phaeton, '47 Sedan Delivery,'50 Ford F4 Platform, '51 Ford F1 Pickup, '53 Ford F100 Pickup.
Bernhardt, Roger, Fountain Valley, CA - Car: '48 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan, '53 Ford Victoria
Biggers II, Clark, Anaheim, CA - Cars: '36 Ford 3-Window, '40 Ford Deluxe Coupe
Biggers III, Anaheim, CA - Cars: '34 Ford Fordor, '39 Ford Standard Tudor
Bjorkland, Richard & Maria, Anaheim, CA - '39 Ford Deluxe Coupe
Brun, Joe & Sonja, Long Beach, CA - Club Cars:'35 Ford Cnvt Sedan, '41 Sedan Coupe
Calvert, Edward & Myriam, San Gabriel, CA - Car: 1936 3W Coupe
Cella, Paul, Monterey Park, CA - Car: '32 3 Window Coupe, 1935 Tudor, 1936 Ford Woody
# * Chastain, Sam & Olympia (Founders), La Mirada CA - Car: '33 Ford Cabriolet
Conklin, Bob & Deborah - Car: 1933 3 Window Coupe
Conner, Skip & Tracy, Foothill Ranch, CA - 1947 Ford Station Wagon
Deisenroth, Bill & Mary, Fullerton, CA - Car: '50 Ford Custom Dlx Coupe
De Paola, Pete, Anaheim, CA - Car: '35 Ford Deluxe Roadster
Dildine, Charles & Judy, Huntington Beach CA - No club car
Farrar, John & Debby, Acton, CA - Car: '32 Ford Deluxe Coupe, '49 Ford F-100 PU
Fryer, Daryl, Redding, CA - Cars: '40 Ford Standard Coupe, '49 Ford Pickup
Garrett, George & Carole, Corona Del Mar, CA - Car: '39 Ford Deluxe Coupe
Gilliland, James & Lois, Yorba Linda, CA - Cars: '40 Ford Deluxe Convertible, '40 Ford Tudor Deluxe Sedan, '40 Ford Deluxe 5W Opera Coupes (2), '40 Ford Deluxe Sedan Delivery
Ginsberg, Paul & Diana, Rolling Hills Estates, 1950 Mercury Coupe
Gonzalez, Estaban & Jeanne, Long Beach, CA - Car: 1941 Ford Station Wagon
Gunther, Bruce & Rachel, Long Beach, CA - Car: '35 Ford Pickup
Hecker, John, Costa Mesa, CA - Car: '36 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan
Hein, Woody Hein & Barbara Cortez, Westminster, CA - Car: '40 Ford Deluxe Coupe,
Hitter, Ron & Nancy, San Juan Capistrano, CA - Car: '50 Ford Station Wagon
Hubbard Ralph & Linda, Pasadena, CA - Cars: '32 Ford 3-Window Coupe, '39 Mercury Sport Convertible, '46 Ford Super Deluxe Station Wagon (Dearborn), '49 Ford Conv
James, Jerry - (Barbara), Claremont, CA - Cars: '36 Ford Deluxe Coupe, '40 Ford Coupe, '32 Ford Roadster
Lazdins, Harold & Martha, Dana Point, CA - Car: 1938 Ford Roadster
Lucas, Stan, Long Beach, CA - Cars: '34 Delux Phaeton
Mason, Thomas, Palm Springs, CA - Car:'39 Ford Convertible
McDougall, Jim & Lana, San Clemente, CA - Car: '47 Mercury Convertible
McElhinney, Jim & Julie Kennicut,Eastvale, CA: 1933 Deluxe Fordor Sedan
McLaughlin, Thomas & Teri, Anaheim, CA - Car: '36 Ford 5-Window Coupe
Miller, Richard L., Fountain Valley, CA - Cars: '42 Mercury Tudor Sedan,'46 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan, '47 Ford Sedan Coupe, '53 Mercury Monterey 4-Door Sedan
Phillips, Jim & Toni, Westminster, Ca - Cars: '39 Ford Deluxe Tudor, '40 Ford Deluxe Coupe
Piscopo, Sal & Kathy, '51 Ford Fordor
Rainville, David & Carole, Orange, Ca - Car: '39 Ford 5W Standard Coupe, '34 Ford Cabriolet
Ricotta, Charles & Karen, Placentia, CA - Car:'38 Ford Tudor Std.
Rouhe, Edgar & Gloria, Riverside, CA - Cars: '50 Mercury Sport Coupe, 40 Mercury 4-Door Sedan
Russell, Jay & Margaret, Tarzana, CA - Car: '35 Ford Cabriolet
Scanlin, Joe & Laurie, Long Beach, CA - Cars: '32 Ford 3W Deluxe Coupe, "34 Ford Phaeton
Scherer, Tom & Tracy, Fountain Valley, CA - Car: '50 Ford Station Wagon, '50 Tudor Sedan
Shields, Tom & Jan, Corona Del Mar, CA - Car: '51 Ford Country Squire
Skille, Don & Sue, Long Beach, Ca - Cars: '39 Ford Tudor Deluxe, '34 Ford Roadster
Souder, Linda, Whittier, CA - Car: '46 Ford Super Deluxe Station Wagon
Sullivan, Thomas, Wilmington, CA - Car '40 Pickup
Teitsworth, Robert & Mary Jane, Tempelton, CA - Cars: '40 Ford Deluxe Coupe, '40 Ford Deluxe Fordor, '40 Ford Deluxe Tudor, '36 Ford Pickup, '39 Ford Pickup, '34 Ford Pickup, '40 Ford Delux Coupe, '47 Mercury Coupe, '52 Ford 8N Tractor
Tibbot, Gary, Huntington Beach, CA - Car: No car
Trammell, William & Florence, Whittier, Ca - Car: '34 Ford Tudor Sedan, '35 Ford Pickup, '37 Ford Stake Bed, "37 Ford Sedan Delivery
Walcek, John, Placentia, CA - Cars: '40 Lincoln Continental Coupe, '40 Lincoln Continental Coupe, '40 Lincoln Continental Cabriolet
Whitney, Ed & Marjorie, Buena Park, CA - Cars: '32 Ford 3-Window, '34 Ford Tudor, '40 Ford Dlx. Cpe.
Wilhelm, Carlos & Lina, San Bernardino, CA - '36 Ford 5 Window Coupe
Williams, Barbara, Long Beach, CA - Car: '34 Ford Cabriolet
Zahn, John & Annette, Garden Grove, CA - Car: '38 Ford Standard Coupe
Zimmerman, Gary & Nancy, Placentia, CA - Car: '34 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan
Zinn, Wayne & Deborah, Whittier, CA - Car: '39 Ford Deluxe Convertible Coupe, '39 Ford Deluxe Station Wagon
Honorary Lifetime Member/Charter Member
Charter Member